Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Warrior Diet Principles

Want to learn more about the Warrior Diet?  Here are the three major concepts.

1. Eat One Main Meal at Night
Humans are nocturnal eaters, inherently programmed for under eating and toiling during the day, followed by overeating and relaxing at night.
2. Go Low on the Food Chain
The human genome is programmed for a late Paleolithic world. As hunter/gatherers we're better adapted to pre-agricultural food– i.e. chemical-free fruit, vegetables, roots, sprouted legumes, nuts, seeds, fertile eggs, marine food (wild catch), and dairy from pasture raised animals.  

3. Exercise While Fasting 

It has been established that we are inherently carrying stress response mechanisms that benefit us when triggered by physical or nutritional stress such as exercise or fasting. Combining the hardship of fasting with exercise will amplify the beneficial mechanisms of both – increasing your ability to repair tissue, utilize energy, improve performance and resist aging.


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